Hazmat Package Testing Services
Over 20 Years in Hazardous Material Packaging TestingWe test and certify hazardous material packaging to meet DOT, ASTM, and ISTA testing standards. Our certifications are designed to ensure that hazmat packaging is constructed to withstand a wide variety of potential hazards. All packaging materials are tested at compliance levels to meet package integrity and transportation standards.
What is considered a Hazardous Material?
According to The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Hazardous materials are any object or substance that could pose a risk to safety, health, property, or the environment. The HighQ team has experience testing a broad range of hazmat materials. We have an extensive customer base who ship chemicals, batteries, and other types of hazards listed below.

Class 1: Explosives
Divisions: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6

Class 2: Gases
Divisions: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

Class 3: Flammable Liquid and Combustible Liquid

Class 4: Flammable Solid, Spontaneously Combustible and Flammable When Wet
Divisions: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

Class 5: Oxider and Organic Peroxide
Divisions: 5.1, 5.2

Class 6: Poison (Toxic) and Poison Inhalation Hazard

Class 7: Radioactive

Class 8: Corrosive

Class 9: Miscellaneous

Package Testing Methods
We offer various package testing methods to validate the package integrity and ensure it will meet transportation testing standards. Below are the tests we conduct to meet DOT, ASTM, and ISTA certifications:- 95 KPA Pressure Differential Testing
- Drop Test
- Vibration Test
- Stack Test
- COBB Test
- Leakproofing Test
We Are a US DOT and UN Third-Party Certification Agency
HighQ Testing is an approved US DOT laboratory for the certification of hazardous material packaging. Our staff of technicians have extensive experience in testing hazardous material combination packaging of all types. We are the industry leader in biomedical Class 6.2, Category B and related hazards testing. We have an extensive customer base who ship chemical, batteries and other types of hazards. Packages successfully tested by HighQ are recognized and accepted by the following agencies: USDOT, PHMSA, FAA, IATA, ICAO and major carriers.
Schedule a Consultation
See how our hazmat package testing services can help your packages meet all requirements and certifications necessary for transportation. Schedule a consultation with our experts today!